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It’s National Lung Month – How is Your Indoor Air Quality?

lung month

It’s National Lung Month – How is Your Indoor Air Quality?

Did you know that every day we breathe about 22,000 times? Many of those breaths take place inside our home but, unfortunately, the air quality in our homes is often worse than outside. As the Lung Association raises awareness about general lung health this month, Martino HVAC is raising awareness about indoor air quality and its effects on your health and wellbeing.

Air Contaminants Inside Your Home

According to the Government of Canada, there are three main types of air pollutants found inside your home that can jeopardize your health and decrease overall home comfort.

  • Biological contaminants such as mould, bacteria, dust mites and pollen.
  • Chemical pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, lead and asbestos.
  • Radiological pollutants like radon.

These contaminants invade your home in a number of ways. For example, mould can form as a result of a water leak, while formaldehyde is found in some types of flooring or furniture, while radon enters your home through drains or cracks in basement floors.

Health Effects of Poor Indoor Air Quality

All the above contaminants can create health hazards. For those that suffer from asthma or allergies, poor quality indoor air can exacerbate symptoms and make it harder to breathe. In other instances, people will develop breathing conditionings as a result of their indoor air environment. Particularly troubling are reports that radon exposure can actually increase your chance of developing lung cancer.

Improve Indoor Air Quality

There are a number of ways to improve your indoor air quality.

  • Prevent mould growth by eliminating water leaks and dampness.
  • Ensuring adequate ventilation throughout your home to prevent stale, contaminated air from recirculating.
  • Changing furnace filters often and using the right filter for your specific needs
  • Maintaining fuel-burning appliances to ensure they’re not leaking harmful vapours into your home.

Martino HVAC is committed to ensuring your total home comfort. We offer a number of solutions to improve your indoor air quality and would be happy to discuss which products are best for your home.

Contact us today to learn more.

Martino HVAC serves the GTA along with Durham, Halton, Peel, York, and Quinte & Kawartha regions. We provide reliable heating, cooling installation and repair in addition to indoor air quality solutions.

Connect with us on Facebook and Twitter for home comfort tips, tricks and advice!