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Ways To Protect Air Conditioners From Storms This Summer

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Ways To Protect Air Conditioners From Storms This Summer

We’ve already had some intense weather this year and there are predictions that our roller-coaster temperatures will likely continue throughout the summer. Flooding, lightning storms and high-speed winds are all possibilities in our area, so take a few minutes to be proactive and follow our tips to protect air conditioners from storms this summer.


Traditional condenser (outdoor) units are built to withstand a variety of weather—including rain. Electrical components are safely protected and parts are made of materials that can withstand harsh outdoor temperatures. However, deep standing water from flooding could harm your system, as these units are not designed to be submerged in water for any period of time.

To prevent water from entering your system, make sure that you have adequate drainage around your unit and any gutters or runoff water is directed away from the condenser. If you do experience localized flooding and your unit was underwater, have a certified professional inspect it before using.


A lightning strike can render all electronics in your home useless, including your air conditioner; thankfully, direct strikes are rare. Some companies promote the use of surge protectors, which can help in some situations but will not completely protect your system in the case of a direct hit. The best way to protect air conditioners during electrical storms is to turn the unit off and install a lightning rod if you live in an area that experiences frequent storms.

High-Speed Winds

Often, summer storms are accompanied by high-speed winds. While there is little chance that your condenser will get swept up in the gales, it’s very likely debris will come crashing into it, possibly causing damage. Keep an eye on your backyard and be proactive about clipping dead tree branches to protect air conditioners during high-speed winds.

While we can’t control Mother Nature, we can do our best to try and protect our belongings from being damaged. If you’re worried that your air conditioner was damaged during a recent storm, contact us to schedule an inspection.

Martino HVAC has been a locally owned and operated business since 1987—proudly serving the Vaughn and surrounding areas.