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Best Last Minute Halloween Costumes

halloween costumes

Best Last Minute Halloween Costumes

Halloween is only a few days away. If you haven’t had the chance to buy or make your costume yet, don’t worry, we have a list of some last minute Halloween costumes that you can put together quickly and won’t break the bank!

Classic Costumes

There’s nothing wrong with putting together a traditional Halloween costume — there’s a reason they’ve endured the test of time. One bed sheet can quickly transform you into a garish ghoul or a malicious mummy, while an all-black ensemble and pointy hat can turn you into the meanest witch on the street.

Current and Contemporary:

For a trendy and topical Halloween costume, take inspiration from current movies and shows. Reuse an old clown costume, grab a balloon and scare those around you as Pennywise. Or dig through the closet to find all the 80s clothes and dress up as a character from Stranger Things.

Minimal Effort

Sometimes, you might just not want to dress up. For people that are heading out trick-or-treating with the kids or want to enjoy a Halloween party without the hassle of a costume, there are some minimal effort last-minute Halloween costumes to consider. Put on some plaid (you know you have some!) and call yourself a cowboy/cowgirl or put on a flower crown and call yourself a Snapchat filter.

However you choose to dress up or celebrate,
Martino HVAC wishes you a safe and spook-tacular Halloween!

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