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Help Protect Your Family And Check Smoke Alarm Batteries This Weekend

smoke alarm

Help Protect Your Family and Check Smoke Alarm Batteries This Weekend

On November 5th at 2:00 am, Daylight Savings Time (DST) ends and we turn the clocks back. In addition to “gaining” an hour of sleep, it’s also the perfect time to remind homeowners about the Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries campaign and to check smoke alarm batteries.

Did you know?
According to a national study commissioned by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs, 19% of Canadians have never replaced their smoke alarm batteries.1

A working smoke alarm can be the difference that gives you and your family the precious few minutes you need to escape a residential home fire. Many fires occur at night and a working smoke alarm is vital to alert sleeping occupants of danger.

Changing batteries and checking smoke alarms isn’t a task that’s often at the top of a homeowners to-do list; however, Fire Chiefs across Canada suggest pairing this task with a regular event—like the beginning and end of DST. Since we have to change our clocks twice a year, it’s the perfect event to remind homeowners to check smoke alarms as well.

It’s important to remember to test all smoke alarms when you change the batteries as well. Pressing the “test” button on the device should make the unit chirp—confirming that it’s working as it should. When you test your smoke alarms, you should also test your carbon monoxide detectors. As we head into the cold winter season, there’s an increased risk of carbon monoxide buildup in homes.

Keep your family safe by checking smoke alarm batteries and testing carbon monoxide detectors this weekend.

Contact us today with any questions — we’re always happy to help!

Martino HVAC serves the GTA along with Durham, Halton, Peel, York, and Quinte & Kawartha regions. We provide reliable heating and cooling installation and repair to residential, commercial and industrial customers.

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1 Fire Safety Information