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Planning a Home Renovation? Protect Your Cooling System!

home renovation

Planning a Home Renovation? Protect Your Cooling System!

With spring just around the corner, many homeowners are getting ready for some major home renovations. When undertaking such a large project, there seems to be a never-ending list of things to remember and we want to remind people about the importance of protecting their cooling system during a renovation.

Dust, Dirt and Debris

During a major home renovation, you’ll likely have to contend with a lot of dust and debris floating around your home. While it can be frustrating to have a layer of dirt covering your home—it can also be damaging to your cooling system.

  • Cover Vents: Prior to the renovation, help prevent contaminants from reaching your cooling system by covering vents and registers.
  • Keep the System Off: When vents are closed, it’s important to keep the cooling system off because running the system with blocked vents can cause serious damage. Even if the vents are open, you’ll still want to keep the cooling system off to prevent distributing construction debris throughout the home.
  • Clean Regularly: Try to keep the construction zone as clean as possible and clean up wood shavings and dust often. This can help prevent debris from reaching the cooling system in the first place.
  • Replace Air Filter: After the renovation, you’ll want to replace the air filter and check it more frequently as it could be collecting hidden dust throughout the home.
    A home renovation project is an exciting time. Just make sure to spend some time planning so that you’re not left with a cooling system that requires expensive repairs.

If you have any questions about keeping your cooling system safe during a home renovation—don’t hesitate to contact us—we’re always willing to help.

Martino HVAC serves the GTA along with Durham, Halton, Peel, York, and Quinte & Kawartha regions. We provide reliable heating repair Toronto, cooling installation and repair in addition to indoor air quality solutions.

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