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Be Prepared For Winter Storms

winter storms

Be Prepared for Winter Storms

We’ve hit November and Canadians everywhere are really starting to feel the cold. Which also means making some final preparations before the temperatures drop way down, and this includes getting prepared for winter storms.

Winter storms aren’t guaranteed, but when they do come, they can cause power outages and potential emergency situations, so it’s critical that you prepare your home properly just in case.

Have an emergency kit ready with:

  • Flashlights, candles and matches
  • Portable space heaters
  • Rock salt for melting ice
  • Snow shovels
  • Firewood (if you have a fireplace or a wood burning stove)
  • Plenty of blankets
  • Clothes for layering

Remember that in the event of heat loss, you should try to maintain a comfortable body temperature but avoid sweating, which can lead to you getting sick and being incredibly uncomfortable in damp clothing.

If you think your pipes may be in danger of freezing, keep your taps running with just a trickle to help prevent it.

Check that your carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are working. Fires are more common during winter storms as people are using other methods of keeping their homes warm.

Purchase a new first aid kit or make sure that yours is stocked with plenty of bandages, topical antiseptics, compresses, over-the-counter pain medication and whatever else you and your family may need.

Have extra batteries and a portable radio easily accessible. You should also invest in a few portable charge packs for your cellphone to ensure that you don’t run out of battery during winter storms.

Every member of your family should have at least a 3-day supply of water and non-perishable food. Make sure you have enough water and food for any pets, and that you have plenty of anything else your family specifically needs, such as diapers, baby formula, etc.

Make sure you have a full tank of gas in case you need to leave in the event of winter storms and teach each member of your family what to do in case of an emergency.

Plan ahead and don’t get caught unaware in winter storms this season. Feel free to contact Martino HVAC with any questions or concerns you may have, we’re happy to help.