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Furnace Not Igniting? 6 Reasons And How To Fix It?

The common issue seen in every HVAC owner’s home during the winter is ignition in their furnace system. Many seem oblivious to the issue their furnaces encounter, increasing the degree of danger to their furnace system. Upon finding out any problem, contact your HVAC furnace repair Toronto, to inspect your unit.

Is the Furnace Not Igniting?

The reasons behind why your furnace’s ignition is unable to perform are because:

  • Gas Supply

Homeowners often do not keep track of the gas line supply in their homes. Sometimes, due to certain reasons, the gas fuelling your furnace might not be sufficient to ignite your furnace. Turn on other gas-fuelled appliances placed at your home to confirm the assumption. If other appliances are functioning except your furnace, it implies the problem lies with your gas supply.

Call a professional to inspect the furnace further. If the furnace is powered by propane, locate the gas pressure gauge and only call a technician if the pressure reads below 25 to fill it up to the level.

  • The Issue Lies in the Source

The plight light is the common source responsible for igniting the furnace, so if it is not working, this could be the reason why your furnace is not igniting. If your furnace has a pilot light ignition source, look for a small flame at the bottom of the burner trays.
If you cannot find the small flame, use a long match to reignite the fire. Still not working? Calling a technician seems the best solution.

The thermostat is used to set the temperature inside the home. If your thermostat reads a different temperature from your home, this could be an issue. Check your thermostat manual if the thermostat is showing any error messages.
The other options are to increase the temperature in your thermostat’s settings and wait until the system fan turns on, and then you can feel the heat coming from the system venting into your home. If nothing works, consider replacing the thermostat by yourself or with the help of a professional technician.

Do not forget to check if your furnace’s switch is on or not. And check the breaker to which the furnace has been linked. Repeatedly, turn on and off the switch or breaker, and if it still does not help, call a technician.

  • Air Filters

Your air filter might have some blockages built up, and do not let the hot air coming from your furnace propagate evenly inside the home. Inspect your air filters to check if it is clogged or not and change them accordingly.

  • The Flame Sensor is Not Working

The flame sensor is part of the furnace responsible for igniting the flame, ensuring the flames stay lit. Sometimes particles build up around the flame sensor, making it unable to perform its function.

You can clean the flame sensor while the furnace is turned off, and upon discovering any issue with it, your HVAC technician needs to come for furnace repair Toronto.

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